Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Multiple imputed missings in a dependent variable: How to analyze them?

During the analysis of the International PIRLS project, a comparative study on reading comprehension of students of Grade 4 and 5, the following problem was encountered during the analysis phase:
Some of the dependent variables (the plausible scores) are obtained by doing multiple impution on several scores (5 times). Usually, properly analyzing the data sets resulting from multiple imputation makes it necessary to do the analysis of each data set separately and then afterwards, combining the results in some way (as far as I know, the only standard statistical package that does this for you automatically, is Mplus).
However, in case the dependent variable is imputed, one can use a repeated measurement design. In the case described above, an extra level was added to a multilevel analysis with the 5 plausible scores as a repeated measurement.
Drawback of this approach in multilevel analysis (MLwiN) is that the data sets which are already enormous in this case, are quintupled.


Distribution outside Belgium and the Netherlands

It turned out to be very difficult to get distribution of the ARM book (Advising on research methods: A consultant's companion by Adèr, Mellenbergh and Hand) via Barnes and Noble in the US up and running.
Until these problems are solved, readers outside Belgium and the Netherlands can order directly from the publisher, Johannes van Kessel Publishing at: Publishing@jvank.nl. They charge only local mailing costs (euro 6.20). Please contact them by email. To order via bol.com, van Stockum or Selexyz see: www.jvank.nl/ARMHome
The proceedings of the 2007 KNAW symposium `Advising on research methods' can also be ordered by contacting the publisher.


Proceedings of the KNAW colloquium on Advising now accessible via Google Books

We submitted the text of the Proceedings of the 2007 Colloquium `Advising on research methods' to Google Books. The book is now accessible. In Google Books, search for `Advising on research methods' or for the ISBN number 9789079418039.